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March QP contest at CSD


Those of you that missed the open sign-up dates, you can still sign up by sending email to: addie@coolscrapsdigital.com(include your name, blog addy with note requesting to enter contest). Late registrants, please note that your entry must be submitted by March 31, 2012

NOTE: Even if Addie knows you personally, I still need each contestant signing up to "list" their blog URL (or facebook or scrappy website URL), a perfect way to not forget is to list your blog name & url in your signature so that it's always there, so check before you leave your post to make sure it's listed.
WHO CAN PLAY?? Anyone with a digi scrapper BLOG (Facebook: OK too). 

Spring A ling A Ding Dong by Pmarie

My Freebie:
What I created with my freebie:

The Freebie For You! 
to get it, click the image or HERE

Women are Angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly....on a broomstick. We are flexible like that.
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Teachers should encourage the class discussions. They should divide the time of lecture. If lecture is of one hour he should spare fifteen minutes for class discussion. Teachers should ask questions from students and get their opinion and ideas about the lecture.